University of Potsdam Griebnitzsee campus &copyr; University of Potsdam

AI and Intelligent Systems Group

Hasso Plattner Institute / University of Potsdam

Official home page




Welcome to the home page of the AI and Intelligent Systems group at the Hasso Plattner Institute / University of Potsdam. We develop novel algorithms to dive deep into data and make sense of it, in the areas of machine learning, natural language processing, data mining, information retrieval, and Big Data.

Our work has received funding from a number of sources, including NSFC, DARPA, Samsung, Google (Woman Techmaker/Anita Borg), Adobe, CSC, DAAD, et al.

This group was previously known as the Deep Data Lab at Rutgers University, and as the Web Mining and Language Technology group at Tsinghua University.

Join or visit our group! Details here...


Team Members


Administrative Staff

Current Team Members

See List of current members.

PhD Alumni

Former Visiting Scholars


Projects and Downloads
Our team has developed a number of resources for natural language processing and AI, many of which are available for download.
Source Code
We have published the source code for a number of different research projects. Follow the link for a list of available code bases.
Our research is published in top-tier venues, most of which provide open access.
© 2022 Gerard de Melo